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Santiam Canyon Community Chorus (SCCC)

The SCCC was established in 2004 by a local volunteer, JoAnn Hebing.  JoAnn is a trained choral director who started her career as a music teacher and church organist in 1959.  In addition, she directed a Sweet Adeline chorus, sang in several quartets and began learning to play the cello after retiring from the Mill City Presbyterian Church.  She started volunteering in the schools as a teacher and accompanist in 1999.

The SCCC  meets once a week at 158 SW Broadway Mill City, OR 97360, on  Mondaye evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.  This building is our new arts center. Occasionally we have extra or extended rehearsals beginning at 6:00 p.m. in preparation for performances. All are welcome who love to sing, good balance in our chorus of soprano, alto, tenor, bass--usually 24-30 singers. 

We perform during the Christmas holidays for the Historical Society, Marion Estates, the Oregon Capitol, Christmas Tree Lighting celebrations and other community events.  In the spring we typically present a series of concerts on Peace, Love and Tolerance for Santiam schools and the local community.  

The Chorus welcomes new members who can carry a tune.  You don’t have to read music and it is non-audition. 

Jo Ann Hebing - Chorus Manager - at 503-859-2502 or by email at: 
We need a director. If interested please contact Jo Ann.


The SCCC meets once a week at Stewarts Hall, 158 SW Broadway Mill City, OR 97360 Oregon on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.  

Occasionally we have extra or extended rehearsals beginning at 6:00 p.m. in preparation for performances. 

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During the school year, we typically present a series of concerts on Peace, Love and Tolerance for Santiam schools and the local community. Check our community calendar for updates. 

The Chorus welcomes new members who can carry a tune.  You don’t have to read music and it is non-audition. 

Director, Accompanist, Chorus Council

Director, Accompanist, Chorus Council

Director:  ISO 

Accompanist: ISO

Chorus Council:

JoAnn Hebing, Manager

Debbie Loftin, Music Librarian

Sherri Cardwell, Board Liaison

Margaret Harris, Counselor 

Jessie Thummel Counselor 

Rick Stepper Counselor 

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