Santiam Canyon Community Chorus
Rehearsals Monday Nights Stewart's Hall
158 SW Broadway, Mill City, Oregon
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
More Info: Jo Ann Hebing 503/859-2502
Randall Craig
Past Board
Randall investigated Santiam Hearts to Arts, discovering radio station KYAC, where he now volunteers as a DJ. When station manager Ken Cartwright approached him about serving on the board of directors, he willingly agreed.
Randall has a BS in Business Management from Marylhurst University and comes to H2A with career experience in financial management and leadership. He has worked with several nonprofits and served on the board of directors for NW Resource Federal Credit Union in Portland.
Randall enjoys working in his yard and playing Ping Pong, so it is no surprise that he has organized events and operations for both Portland Parks Bureau Community Garden Program and Portland Table Tennis Club. Now his energies are focused on KYAC community radio where he hopes to make a difference in support of the arts in the Santiam Canyon.