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Canyon Kids Music Camp

Denise Sanders

With the Ericksons
9am to 12pm - Monday August 7 - Friday August 11, 2023
Stewart's Hall in Mill City
- Making music fun for kids 8-11 with Singing (with vocal instruction for performance), Rhythym Instruments and Music Games.
Limited to 40 participants. Please call Laura before registering to make sure there is space available.
Sponsored by Santiam Hearts to Arts

Registration Canyon Kids Music Camp

9am to 12pm - Monday August 7 - Friday August 11, 2023 at Stewart's Hall in Mill City - Making music fun for kids 8-11 with the Ericksons with Singing (with vocal instruction for performance), Rhythym Instruments and Music Games. Limited to 40 participants.

StudentName_____________________________________________________________________Student Age ____________________________________________ DOB ____________________


Address__________________________________________________________________________City________________________ State _______ Zip ________

Primary Phone ___________________________Secondary Phone ____________________ Email __________________________

Emergency Contact _________________________________________Phone _______________

Emergency Contact 2 _______________________________________Phone _______________

Liability Waiver and Release of All Claims:As a participant in the program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the risk of any injuries which my child may sustain as a result of participating in the activities of such program. In case of accident or sickness, I consent to emergency medical care provided by ambulance or hospital personnel. I have read and fully understand the above Waiver and Release of All Claims. Signature of Participant


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