Santiam Canyon Community Chorus
Rehearsals Monday Nights Stewart's Hall
158 SW Broadway, Mill City, Oregon
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
More Info: Jo Ann Hebing 503/859-2502
Santiam Hearts to Arts Grants
Since 2013, Santiam Hearts to Arts (SH2A) has been awarded grants that support our effort to keep arts and music in the Santiam Canyon and on the air. We would not be able to continue KYAC Community Radio, the Santiam Canyon Community Chorus and our other programs without the support of our community and the following grants. We thank you all for your continued support.
December 2023 Fred W. Fields Fund of Oregon Community Foundation - $3,000.00
Small Arts & Culture - discretionary
March 2022 Marion County: KYAC Expansion in Santiam Area $49,700
(This is a multi-year project to reach Detroit and other Santiam areas)
November 2021 Frontier Investment Group: KYAC Upgrade $5,000
November 2021 American Legion: KYAC Equipment $5,000
August 2021 Clark Foundation: KYAC Equipment/Operations $5,000
December 2020 Pacific Power Foundation: SH2A & KYAC Operations $5,000
September 2020 Clark Foundation: KYAC Equipment/Operations $5,000
August 2020 Oregon Comm. Foundation: COVID Relief Support $5,000
July 2020 Emmett Quady Foundation: SH2A & KYAC Operations $2,500
December 2019 Pacific Power Foundation: Music for KYAC $2,500
October 2019 Donation Frances Thomas: Stewart’s Hall Renovation $5,000
September 2019 Don Purcell Estate: KYAC & Music Education $6,000
July 2019 Oregon Comm. Foundation: Chorus Director $1,500
Arts Programs 2,500
December 2018 Pacific Power Foundation:
Santiam Canyon Community Chorus $1,500
May 2018 Linn County Cultural Coalition:
Support Canyon arts and artisans $1,000
May 2018 Oregon Comm. Foundation: Chorus Director $4,000
Arts Programs 2,500
July 2017 Marion County Emergency Broadcasting Service:
New Antenna and Transmitter $18,225
April 2017 Youth Benefit Golf Tournament:
Guitar Building class $1,000
January 2017 Pacific Power: Chorus Director, Art classes $1,250
School Music/Art programs 1,250
May 2016 Doris J. Wipper Fund: Art/Music Classes and supplies $2,700
Music in the Park 1,500
KYAC Website 800
April, 2016 Mill City Eagles: General Operating $3,000
February 2016 Pacific Power: Chorus Director $1,500
Music/Art supplies 500
December 2015 Oregon Comm. Foundation: General Operating $ 300
November 2015 Oregon Comm. Foundation: Chorus Director $3,500
Music and Art Education 1,250
Music and Art supplies 250
October 2015 Donation Board Member: SH2A Website $ 800
September 2015 Donation Tom Peters: Abba Queen donation $ 500
June 2015 Donation Jennie Jones: Community Chorus $5,000
January 2014 Schnitzer Foundation: Operating Costs $1,000
January 2014 Autzen Foundation: Operating Costs $7,000
December 2013 Holzman Foundation: Operating Costs $1,000
Fundraisers, Events and Community Concerts:
Fundraising is extremely important to SH2A. We support the Santiam Canyon Community Chorus paying the music director, accompanist and purchasing music. We support our local schools by helping fund the Missoula Children’s Theater and providing funds for music supplies that are needed. We support art classes and provide a place for artists to show their craft to the public. We will work diligently to continue funding these projects and as many more as possible. Music and Art is such an important component in our communities SH2A will reach out to anyone of any age who wants to participate in the arts. In addition to grants, generous sponsors and donations have also helped sustain SH2A and KYAC Community Radio. We are very grateful for their support.
Events were suspended from March 2020 to September 2022 because of the COVID virus. In the fall of 2022 we started holding chorus and art events including a monthly community Art Mart for local artists and craft people.
KYAC Community Radio has organized an annual acoustic music concert series from fall into the spring for many years. Each series raises $8,000 to $10,000 from ticket sales to cover concert costs with residual used for KYAC operations. This series was cancelled for fall of 2020 and 2021 and restarted in the fall of 2022 in the renovated Stewart’s Hall, home of KYAC studio.
The Santiam Community Chorus has put on public concerts every spring, fall and winter with special Christmas performances. For several years the chorus has been invited to sing in the State Capitol rotunda for a Christmas performance. After a COVID hiatus the chorus restarted activities in the fall of 2022 with rehearsals in the renovated Stewart’s Hall.
Summer 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022:
Co-hosting with the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce, the annual River City Music and Art Jamboree, featuring local bands, the community chorus and numerous artists and other vendors. The first year this event was held over the 2017 Eclipse weekend. The event raises from $5,000 to $8,000 per year split between the two organizations.
September 2018:
The Portland lesbian Choir presented Come Together concert featuring the Santiam Community Chorus and other music. The presentation as held at the First United Methodist Church in Stayton. The concert also was a fundraiser for SH2A.
September 2015:
The Portland Gay Men’s Chorus (PGMC) presented ABBA/Queen Concert at Stayton High School grossing over $4,000 for general operating support.
April 2015:
The Santiam Canyon Community Chorus presented Japanese Peace, Harmony and Tolerance program at Santiam School Auditorium raising $1000.00 for general operating support.
September 2014:
SH2A Presents Acoustics in the Mountain at Elkhorn Valley Bed & Breakfast grounds raising $1,000 for general operating support.
March 2014:
Santiam Canyon Community Chorus Presented Sendler Peace, Harmony and Tolerance program at Santiam School Auditorium raising over $1,000